Thursday, November 8, 2007

bitter thoughts

This is my current state of mind so it doesn't hold true always....but I hate the people around me. I have high tolerence with animals but people....I just dont get them. No its not like I dont get along with people, I do...all my life I have been called a people person, I make friends easily, textbookily you can describe me as an extrovert...but I'm talking about more than just socialsing - that's easy. A few funny remarks, genuine compliments and a friendly manner will get you by...but what about the people you realllllllly have to deal with for prolonged periods of time, read: parents, siblings, boyfriends, best friends...

They expect you to do things, blakmail you if you dont do them, are difficult to please, demand your time energy and effort and of course there are those few moments of love and chicken soup for the soul like stories (honestly, I dont remember even one) but then how much of it is worth it...I hate the people around me...but its just my NOW state of will change, hopefully, I guess all I need is some loving